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Cybercrime and Formula 1: who wins the challenge?
Cybercrime and Formula 1: who wins the challenge?
The world of Formula 1 has caught the attention of Cybercrime, which is ready to take advantage of the mass of data and the flaws in the system. Artificial intelligence is the needle of the scales: instrument of defence or further weapon of attack?
Guarantor launches Contest "privacy policies clear"
Guarantor launches Contest "privacy policies clear"
"privacy policies privacy clearer thanks to icons? It's possible" is the new Legal Design contest launched by the Italian Data Protection Authority with a deadline at the end of May.
Social media security: never take it for granted
Social media security: never take it for granted
With cybercrime advancing unchecked towards hegemony, social media security is critical, especially at the corporate level. Find out what the most effective strategy is to prevent and defend against cyber attacks.
Employee training to defend against cybercrime
Employee training to defend against cybercrime
Cybercrime is on the rise, with attacks increasing in power, frequency and variety. Strengthening defences through staff training is the best choice for cybersecurity.
We participated in HackTheDoc: Here is how it went
We participated in HackTheDoc: Here is how it went
The first Italian hackathon of legal design took place and one of us participated with a project related toprivacy policy privacy of WhatsApp.
Making the privacy policy readable: here comes Hackthedock
Making the privacy policy readable: here comes Hackthedock
Hackthedock scheduled for December 10 is the first legal hackathon with the aim of reducing the length of privacy policies privacy by at least 50% and making it readable for users.
The algorithm that evaluates students: Educational Data Mining
The algorithm that evaluates students: Educational Data Mining
Educational Data Mining is the new algorithm that allows the automated assessment of students. Does this new model comply with the GDPR regarding profiling and automated decision-making?
Cyber Risk: how to manage risk and underwrite policies
Cyber Risk: how to manage risk and underwrite policies
The fearsome and invisible danger for companies is called Cyber Risk: what is the management process, what are the international standards, why take out transfer policies and what to do in the event of cyber crime.
GDPR: the differences between the states of the European Union
GDPR: the differences between the states of the European Union
Each EU country has different GDPR compliance laws. Here is a list of the main differences in application from one country to another.
The Garante's guidelines for impact assessments.
The Garante's guidelines for impact assessments.
The European Data Protection Supervisor has published a report showing how impact assessments are carried out, using the EU institutions and bodies as examples. Find out more in our report.
Cybercrime on the rise: what you need to know
Cybercrime on the rise: what you need to know
Every organisation is unaware of the number and impact of the risks it faces every day from Cyber Crime. Here's what you need to know to prevent the dangers.
Privacy management system: which software to choose
Privacy management system: which software to choose
Discover the advantages of having software for your privacy management system and read the guide with the features for a privacy software suitable for your needs.
Social privacy: Facebook and the Schrems case
Social privacy: Facebook and the Schrems case
The Schrems judgment shed light and defined guidelines for operation personal data and privacy on social networks.
Schrems II ruling overturns EDPB guidelines
Schrems II ruling overturns EDPB guidelines
The Schrems II judgment overrules the Schrems I judgment of 4 years ago and sets a new scenario for operation personal data.
Blockchain: the difference between privacy and confidentiality
Blockchain: the difference between privacy and confidentiality
What is the difference between privacy and confidentiality in blockchain transactions? Find out in our in-depth study
The advantages of software for the privacy professional
The advantages of software for the privacy professional
Privacy consultants are often afraid to use or even communicate the use of software to the client. Instead, privacy software improves the quality of the service offered.

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