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Evading facial recognition: now you can
Evading facial recognition: now you can
Adversarial Fashion turned a paper into a business model. The purpose? Circumvent AI through clothing and masks to avoid facial recognition.
Using AI and complying with the GDPR? The French guarantor answers
Using AI and complying with the GDPR? The French guarantor answers
Processing data by harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence without compromising privacy. French watchdog outlines the way through guidelines and action plan
AI drives healthcare? Guarantor lays out the 10 commandments
AI drives healthcare? Guarantor lays out the 10 commandments
AI is entering every area of everyday life, healthcare is no exception: but the Privacy Guarantor wanted to guide this collaboration through a decalogue.
Worldcoin winks at crypto but doesn't look at privacy
Worldcoin winks at crypto but doesn't look at privacy
The founder of Chat-GPT has created a new cryptocurrency based on iris recognition. Worldcoin has raised big questions about operation and the management of biometric data...
Law firm convinces Guarantor: reactivated Replika
Law firm convinces Guarantor: reactivated Replika
Replika like Her: the love-seeking virtual assistant is back in the game. The Garante lifted the block imposed last March on the chatbot governed by artificial intelligence guilty of going too far in conversations with minors.
New regulation on whistleblowing goes into effect
New regulation on whistleblowing goes into effect
New privacy requirements related to whistleblower protection and management with Whistleblowing for companies with more than 250 employees.
The European Parliament grapples with the AI ACT
The European Parliament grapples with the AI ACT
Authorities are forced to continually update privacy regulations to reflect the constant evolution of artificial intelligence. Here's the latest on the AI ACT.
French watchdog's GDPR guide for developers
French watchdog's GDPR guide for developers
The developer's job becomes more and more articulated and important. On the one hand, the needs of the developer, on the other hand, the search for the optimal user-side experience, and in between, GDPR compliance. How to untangle it? The French Guarantor explains it to us.
Privacy Guarantor curbs Telemarketing with new Code of Conduct
Privacy Guarantor curbs Telemarketing with new Code of Conduct
Momentous turning point in the world of telemarketing after the introduction of the code of conduct by the Garante that will regulate the activity and limit the operation of abusive call centers
The problem of artificial intelligence "bias"
The problem of artificial intelligence "bias"
The biases that accompany the use of artificial intelligence still make it imperfect: from what do these biases arise? What are the consequences? Are there solutions? Here is everything you need to know.
Homomorphic Encryption is the new thing to protect the data
Homomorphic Encryption is the new thing to protect the data
Standard encryption is no longer sufficient to protect data during use, which is why the new technology is called homomorphic encryption. Here is what it is all about...
Guarantor's fine: "To ask is lawful, to answer is ... obligation!"
Guarantor's fine: "To ask is lawful, to answer is ... obligation!"
Guido Scorza's comment on the ruling in which the Garante fined a company that refused an employee's data access request.
Privacy: is synthetic data the solution to all evils?
Privacy: is synthetic data the solution to all evils?
The advent of Artificial Intelligence opens the door to the use of synthetic data, seemingly the panacea to all ills that winks at privacy. But is this really the case?
Privacy obligation: the disclosure of data recipients
Privacy obligation: the disclosure of data recipients
Holders of operation have an obligation to inform data subjects about the recipients: this is the ruling of the European Court of Justice in response to an Austrian subject's complaint
The specter of identifiability privacy
The specter of identifiability privacy
Among identifiable, de-identifiable and reasonably identifiable individuals, we analyze the levels of identifiability by clarifying all doubts.
Guarantor's clarification included in the Transparency Decree
Guarantor's clarification included in the Transparency Decree
Last year's Transparency Decree had introduced stringent new privacy obligations for employers, but raised some doubts about coexisting with the GDPR: doubts clarified by the Garante.

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